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I love to suft the web for Jpop, horror movies, Anime, and so much more. I love to write about the stuff I love and I'm very passionate with what i write.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Please do not see Boku no pivo

Boku No Pico (Reaction): https://youtu.be/-smtNpvwCts

This video shows what happens when you watch Boku no Pico. For your safety of your sanity and morals. Don't see this anime.


  1. Ahora que estamos en cuarentena, voy a ver el clasico boku no piko que todo el mundo habla de el. Espero no arrepentirme despues. Es la primera vez que voy a ver este tipo de hentay

  2. Don't do it! It will mess with you for life
