who's that girl?

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I love to surf the web for Jpop, horror movies, Anime, and so much more. I love to write about the stuff I love and I'm very passionate about what i write.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

My Work this week


I've been busy with working as a freelance writer/reporter and going to school as well. But I think everything is going to be find. I lost my last Twitter account for personal reason, so I'm using my old one and created a new one for business. 

Growing up is so tiring and I can feel it everyday, but that is life and I'm okay with it. I have so much questions on how great it it's to do online classes for almost a year. It's great (I'm using this very loosely) but it's okay to do so. I graduated from UMass Boston and moved on up to Suffolk University with a master program. 

I'm still shocked and The shock haven't left me yet. I think it's going to take awhile. That or Because the last four years was too much to handle. I'm still working on another article and review ( But I'm not going to tell) I'm working on how things might work between class and work, something that I love doing. I just hope I make the best out of my 24 month of me being in Suffolk. I'm wondering if 24 months in 2 years or not ( I'm not joking, just asking) 

But the award season is starting through ZOOM!! Zoom is just making a name of itself through the year since Covid. I think the new normal will have Zoom name all over it. I'm really excited to see what the world will start to look like now. Nothing is going to be the same, but I think I might make a list on horror films that deals with illness or something simular. Stay tune.