who's that girl?

My photo
I love to surf the web for Jpop, horror movies, Anime, and so much more. I love to write about the stuff I love and I'm very passionate about what i write.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Internet is saved

This is from tumblr with some of the news ever.

What's my next idea for a novel

I'm going to be writing a book in the near future, but I don't know what type of story I should write.

  I used to be able to write about everything that I found was interesting.  But I guess times are changing,  and ideas come and go.

But I think I'm going to scribe down some ideas and see if I could come up with a main topic and characters that will work well with my story.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My first photo post or 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


This is what happens when you have a pretty girl, with no talent,  and tell her she can sing.
Gnesa - Wilder (Music Video): http://youtu.be/CF2o5RDkq9A

Look who came back, Ladies and gentlemen, Madonna has enter the building

Madonna,the Queen of pop has return. I think her new album is going to be very interesting to hear, the beat sounds like a fresh restart.
  After seeing her performance at the 2015 Grammy's, she still looks amazing at the age of 56 ( I wish I could age graceful like madonna,  and I'm 23).
She certainly didn't disappoint her fans, and cause her critics to shut the hell up.
With newer beats, that has some what simulator beats from her last album in 2008 "confession on a dance floor" and her 2013 "MDNA", it should to be a fire hit
Not only that, but with songs that have been released on Milk radio and on Facebook along with these new songs, also came with this amazing music video for her new song (link down below,watch this visual magic).
Also with collaboration with artists like Nikki minja,  and other rising and new artist, that is taking over the air waves.
As far as I can see it, there is no doubt that this will be Madonna's finest moment in her music career.

Hello 2015

Who could have thought that 2015 is here and there already have been some crazy weather.
But I love the snow, it's not just the look of it, but because of the memories of my birth in a cold weather like this.
my goal this year, will be

Go see more films
Try to be on my blog a lot more
Try to be more productive
Write story that I use to do
Hang out with friends
Expect the unexpected
Take one day at a time
Watch more anime ( good anime, not those shitty ones)
Try to eat different types of foods
Do things that I used to love doing
Play more video games
Update my blog
Try to upload videos on YouTube

I know it's a lot, but with patience and time management,  I could complete these things off my list.
Well, let's see what will happen in the following week and months.